abril, -la (m) April

abuz (adj) nervous

adar, -ra (m) help, support

adar di = [give] help

add (pp) against

add podd = take siesta        

adday (tv) stop, halt

addkoll, -lli (f) obstacle

addsor, -ra (n) tender coconut

adeus, -sa (m) goodbye, farewell

adi (n/v substitute) et cetera

adim (adv) formerly, in olden times        

adim (adv,pp) formerly, before

adimfuddem (adv) beforehand        

adlo (adj) previous

adlo kall = olden times

adon, -na (n) water [being heated for cooking]

Agost, -sta (m) August

aidon, -na (n) vessel

aik (iv) hear

aik (tv) hear, listen

aikunk ye = be heard

Aitar, -ra (m) Sunday        

aito (adj) ready-made, convenient        

akho (adj) whole, entire

alem (n) ginger

allen, -na (n) condiments (for grinding)

almar, -ri (f) cupboard

altar, -ra (m) altar, oratory

ambo, -bea (m) mango                              

amcho (adj.poss) our         

amger (locative pn) at our house        

amig, -ga (m) friend        

ang, -ga (n) body

angbhor = covering the whole body

angonn, -gnna (n) courtyard

ani (conj) and

anik (conj,adv) and, further

ankddo, -ddea (m) number

anond, -da (m) joy

ansvel, -la (n) bear

anter, -ra (n) custard apple

antêr, -ri (f) custard apple tree

anvdde (tv) desire, wish

apaplem = each one's own

apar, -ra (m) nib of a pen

apoun vhor = lead/accompany        

apoxt, -ta (n) bet

apoy (tv) call, invite

apulki, -ke (f) intimacy, belonging

apurbay, -ye (f) fondness        

aram’ gaddi = luxury coach

ark, -ka (m) bow [of musical instrument]

as (iv) be        

asor, -ra (iv) respite [from rain]

asum = let it be, does not matter

atak, -ka (m) attack

atam (adv) now

atanch (adv) just now        

avaz, -za (m) sound, noise, voice

avodd (tv) like

avodd, -vddi (f) like

Avois! (int) Dear me!        

Avoy! (int) Goodness me!

avoy, -voy (f) mother

avr, -vra (n) flood

axa, -xe (f) desire        

axirvad, -da (m) blessing        

ayer, -ra (m) [wedding] gift        

az-kal (adv) nowadays

azun (adv) up to now, even today

baba (voc) sir

babddo (adj) helpless

babddo, -ddea (m) helpless one        

bag, -ge (f) garden        

bail, -le (f) female, woman, wife

bail-bhurgim (n.pl) family

balchanv, -va (m) prawn preserve

balkanv, -va (m) balcony, porch        

band (tv) build

band (tv) tie

bandun di = pack up 

bangddo, -ddea (m) mackerel

banian, -na (n) vest

bank, -ka (m) bench

bapuy, -pay (m) father

barik (adj) narrow

barik (adj) thin, small

bariksann,-nne (f) detail

barz, -rje (f) barge

battli/botl, -tle,tli (f) bottle

bav (iv) wilt, become small

bavli, -vle (f) doll

bay, -ye (f) used for elder sister, or affectionately to call a small girl

bay, bab = terms of address for mistress and master

baz, -je (f) cot

bazar, -ra (m) bazaar        

beg, -ga (n) handbag

beij, -ja (m) kiss

bet, -ta (n) cane, rattan

bêt, -ta (m) plan

bextto (adj) mere, plain

bextto (adv) for no reason, needlessly

bhaddem, -ddea (n) rent        

bhag, -ga (m) division, section

bhag, -ga (n) good fortune

bhailean (adv) from outside

bhailo (adj) foreign, outsider         

bhair (adv) outside, besides

bhair (pp) outside, apart from        

bhair podd = die, expire

bhaji, -jie (f) vegetable        

bhaji kor = cook vegetable

bhajipalo, -lea (m) green vegetables

bhakri, -kre (f) chapati, Indian bread        

bhangor, -gra (n) gold

bhangrallo (adj) golden

Bharotiya (adj) Indian        

bhas,-xe (f) 1. language, 2. promise  

bhas di = give word, promise        

bhasabhas, -bhaxe (f) discussion

bhat, -ta (n) paddy

bhatt, -tta (n) landed property

bhav, -va (m) brother        

bhavoji, -ji (m) brother-in-law

bhavponn, -nna (n) brotherhood

bhaxen (pp) like, in the manner of

bhaz (iv,tv) fry, bake        

bhem dis = be afraid

bhem, bhiya (n) fear

bhenddo, -ddea (m) okra, ladyfinger, gumbo

bhenkro (adj) scared

bhett (tv) meet

bhêtt, -tte (f) present, offering

bhikonn, -knna (n) peanut or ground-nut, stone of jack

bhirant, -ti (f) fright, fear        

bhitor (adv) inside        

bhitor (pp) in, inside, among

bhitor sor = enter

bhitorlim vostram = inner wear

bhitorlo (adj) one from inside

bhiye (iv,tv) be afraid, fear

bhiz (iv) get wet

bhog (iv) feel, enjoy

bhoinn, -nni (f) sister

bhonv (iv) roam                

bhonvar, -re (f) surrounding, circle

bhonvarim (adv,pp) around

bhonvdday (tv) take sb. around

bhonvddekar, -ra (m) tourist        

bhonvddi, -dde (f) tour, journey

bhonvtonnim (adv,pp) around        

bhor (iv) be filled

bhor (tv) fill

-bhor = -ful, e.g. ganv-bhor

bhoro, -rea (m) headload, big bundle

Bhorotnattya, -ttya (n) S. Indian classical dance

bhorti, -rte (f) high tide        

bhoron voch = get filled up

bhorun kadd = fill in

bhott, -tta (m) Brahman priest

bhov (adv) very

bhuimkamp, -pi (m) earthquake

bhuke (iv) be hungry        

bhurgem, -gea (n) child        

bhurgo, -gea (m) boy        

bi, biye (f) seed, [cashew] nut, [fruit] stone        

bibtto, -bttea (m) leopard, panther

bisp, -spa (m) bishop        

bluz, -za (m) blouse

bob, -be (f) cry, shout, yell

bodlak, bodlek (adv,pp) instead of

bodol (iv) be changed

bodol (tv) change, exchange        

boglek (adv,pp) near, beside

bogor (pp) without

boil, -la (m) bull

boilgaddi (f) bullock cart        

bokddeachem mas = mutton

bokddi, -kdde (f) she goat

boli, -lie (f) 1. sacrifice, 2. victim

bôli, -lie (f) dialect

bols, -lsa (n) pocket

bond (adj) closed, stopped

bond kor = shut        

bond podd = come to a stop

bonddi, -ddie (f) 1. banana flower pod, 2. small tender coconut

borabor, soit (pp) with, together with

bore bhaxen = properly, decently

boreak podd = come in handy

borech-xe = quite some

borem dis- = feel well

borem korun uloy = talk nicely

borem lag = like, find it good

borem tor = well then        

boro (adj) good

boro (adv) well, very        

boro dista = looks good        

boro na = is not well

boroch-so = quite some

boroy (tv) write        

bos (iv) sit

bosoy (tv) seat, fix        

bott, -tta (n) finger

bovall, -lla (m) noise, loud complaint, hullabaloo

boxi, -xie (f) plate

Brestar, -ra (m) Thursday        

budd (iv) drown, submerge

buddti, - te (f) flood

Budvar, -ra (m) Wednesday        

bul, -li (f) kettle        

burkho, -rkhea (m) veil for whole body

butt, -tta (m) boot, shoe [in general]

chador, -ri (f) bed sheet, coverlet

chak, -ka (n) wheel

chalu as = carry on, continue

chambddem, -ddea (n) leather

chani, -nie (f) squirrel

char (adj) four

chav korunk = to make tea

chayecho palo = tea leaves        

chedd'ddi, -dde (f) under pants

cheddo, -ddea (m) boy, son

cheddum, ddva (n) girl, daughter

chep (iv) be squeezed in, be crushed        

chêp (tv) crush

chepem, -pea (n) hat

chhati, -tie (f) chest

chidd’ddi (tv) crush        

chikonn mati = clay

chikr, -ra (n) cup for tea/coffee

chinch, -che (f) tamarind [fruit]

chint (iv) think, imagine

chint (tv) think of, plan, worry about

chintop, -pa (n) thinking

chir (tv) slit, cut lengthwise        

chit, -ta (n) attention

chit di = pay attention

chitoll, -tlla (n) spotted antelope        

chitr, -tra (n) picture, painting

chitt, -tti (f) letter

chodd (adj,adv) much, very        

chodd (iv) increase, climb

chodd korun = mainly

chodd za = be in excess

chodd zal’lem = excessive         

choddoy (tv) elevate, put on

chodd-so (adv) mainly, mostly

chokchokit (adj,adv) shining bright

chol (iv) go, move, walk        

choli, -lie, -liam (f) girl, daughter

cholli, -llie (f) sleeveless blouse

cholo, -lea (m) boy, son         

choloy (tv) run, manage, handle

chon’don, -na (n) sandalwood

chonno, -nnea (m) chickpea

chor (tv) graze

chôr (m) thief, [also] robber

chovpott (adj) four times as much

Chovoth, -vthi (f) Ganesh festival        

chuddidar, -ra (m) N. Indian lady’s dress

chuk (f) fault, mistake        

chuk, -ki (iv) miss

chukoy (tv) miss

chukun (adv) as an exception

chun, -na (n) grated coconut        

dadlo, -dlea (m) male, man, husband

daiji, -jea (m) [paternal] cousin

daiz, -za (n) heritage

dakoy (tv) show

damb (tv) press        

dambor, -bra (m) tar, bitumen

dantonni, -nne (f) comb        

dar, -ra (n) door, entrance

dar kadd = open the door

darvontto, -ttea (m) doorpost

datt (adj) thick

datt-so (adj) somewhat thick

davo (adj) left

deg, -ge (f) border, edge

dek (tv) see

dêk (f) example, model

dekhavo, -vea (m) scene, scenery

dekhun (conj) therefore, since

deknni, dulpod, dhalo, fugddi = Goan folk song/dance

denv (iv) climb/come down        

denvoy (tv) lower, bring down

dês, -sa (m) country

Dêv, Deva (m) God

Devakuch khobor = God knows 

Dev borem korum = Thank you!        

Dev bori sanz dium = Good evening!        

Dev boro dis dinv = Good day!

Dev pavlo = God is good!

Dev zanna = God knows!

devki, -ke (f) canna

devull, -vlla (n) temple

Dezembr, -ra (m) December        

dhadd (tv) send

dhadoxi (adj) satisfied        

dhaktto (adj) small, minor

dhanv (iv) run

dhanvdday (tv) drive away

dharmik (adj) religious        

dheddi, -ddie (f) brides-maid

dheddo, -ddea (m) best man        

dhir, -ra (m) courage

dhiradik (adj) courageous        

dhog, -ga (m) heat

dhoir, -ra (n) courage

dholkem, -kea (n) drum [hung on neck]

dhompor, -pra (n) knee

dhon’do, -dea (m) trade/business, employment

dhor (tv) catch, hold        

dhornn, -nni (f) earth

dhovo (adj) white

dhu (tv) wash        

dhul'lo, -l’la (m) dust [in the air]

dhull, -lli (f) dust [settled down]

dhuv, -ve (f) daughter

dhuvddi, -dde (f) niece, woman's sister's daughter / man's brother's daughter

dis, -a (m) day

dis- (iv) appear, seem, look

dis kadd = spend one's days, survive

dis sar = spend one's days        

disallem, -llea (n) daily [paper]

disan dis = day by day

dis-bhor = the full day

disona = is not to be seen        

dispotto (adv) daily

dista = it seems, maybe        

Divalli, -lle (f) Divali festival, festival of lights        

divli, -vle (f) brass oil lamp        

divodd, -vdda (m) rat snake

dixtt, -tti (f) sight, vision

dixtti podd = come in view, catch sight of        

dobazo, -bajea (m) solemnity, éclat

doddto (adj) double

dodol, bebink, dôs = Goan sweets        

dogaim = both of them

dokxinn, -nne (f,adj) South, southern

dollo, -llea (m) eye

don don = two each

don pavtti = twice

donpar, -ra (m) noon, afternoon

dôngor, dongra (m) hill        

dor (adj) each        

dor eklo = each one

dor, -ri (f) rate

dorji, -jea (m) tailor        

dorxon, -na (n) audience, visit        

dorio, -ia (m) sea, any body of water        

dosonn, dosnni (f) hibiscus

Dosro, -srea (m) Dassera, Durga Puja

dotor, -ra (m) doctor        

dotorki, -ke (f) medicine [discipline]        

dovor (tv) keep, place        

dovornnem, -nnea (n) bus stop

dubllo (adj) poor

dubllo, -llea (m) poor man        

dud, -da (n) milk        

duddu, -ddva (m) money

dudi, -dea (m) pumpkin        

duk, -ki (iv) pain, ache

dukan, -na (n) shop, stores

dukor, -kra (m) pig        

durdorxon, -na (n) television

durig, -rga (n) compound wall

durusti, -sti (f) repairs

dusre vatten = in the other direction

dusro (adj) second, next        

dusro dusro (adv) of different types

duyent, -ti (m,f) patient        

edoso (adj) so small

ek pavtt = once        

ek zait ailem = getting to be 1.00

ek, don, tin, char, panch, so, sat, att, nov, dha = numerals one …ten

ekach farak = at one shot

ekamekacho (poss.pn) mutual

ekamekak = to each other

ekchar, -ra (m) unity

ekdam (adv) once

ekdom’ (adv) altogether

ekech pavttim = at one shot/turn         

ekek (adj) one each

ekttaim (adv) in one place, together        

ekttaim kor = collect

ekttaim za = assemble

ektto (adj) one, a single

ekuch … nazalear = either … or

Evrop, -pa (m)  Europe        

Evropi (adj) European        

faido, -dea (m) profit

faleam (adv) tomorrow        

faleamchean (adv) from tomorrow

falem, -lea (n) morrow, the next day

famad (adj) famous

fantto, -ttea (m) branch

farik (adj) paid

farik kor = pay

farmas, -si (f) pharmacy

fat, -ta (m) suit, jacket and trousers

fat mar = put on a suit

fattofatt (adv) soon after        

favo, favoto (adj) fitting, due

Febrer, -ra (m) February

fenni, -nnie (f) liquor [from toddy or cashew]

feri bott = ferryboat         

feri, -rie (f) fair        

fero, -rea (m) round/turn        

ferr, -rra (n) hot iron [to press clothes]

ferr mar = iron [clothes]

fest, -ta (n) feast        

fexonacho (adj) fashionable

film-notti, -ttie (f) filmstar, actress

fint, -ta (n) ribbon        

fir (iv) go round        

firgoz, -je (f) parish

fodd (iv) ache

fôdd (tv) crack, break [open]

fodda, -dde (f) hood

foddnn, -nna (n) seasoning        

fôgetti, -tte (f) fire cracker

fokandd, -dda (n) teasing, joke

fokanddam kor = tease        

fokandder, -ra (m) clown

fokot (adv) just, only

foll, -lla (n) fruit        

fôndd, -dda (m) grave

fonddaro, -rea (m) compost pit

fosam ghal = hiss

frij, -ji/ja (f,m) refrigerator

fuddar (iv) make progress

fuddar, -ra (m) future, prospects

fuddeant (pp) in front of        

fuddem (adv) ahead, further        

fuddem (pp) before

fuddem sor = come forward

fuddem voch = make progress

fuddem, fuddlean (adv,pp) further, in front of

fuddlo (adj) next, coming        

fuddo kor = face        

fugo, -gea (m) balloon

ful, -la (n) flower        

fuloy (tv) spread out, open out

furxem, -xea (n) saw-scaled viper

fusfuxit (adj) fluffy and soft

fuslay (tv) convince gently, persuade

futt (iv) break, crack

ga/gay (tv) sing        

gaddi, -ddie (f) cart, carriage, train        

gaddum, -ddva (n) donkey

ganv, -va (m) village, countryside

gav (tv) find [after search]

gay, -ye (f) cow

gai/kai = interrogative particle

gazor, -ra (m) carrot        

genddo, -ddea (m) rhinoceros

ghabor (iv) be afraid/frightened

ghagra-cholli = skirt and blouse

ghagro, -grea (m) petticoat

ghal (tv) put, place, put on

gham’, -ma (m) sweat

ghame (iv) sweat

ghannekar, -ra (m) oil-miller

ghanno, -nnea (m) oil mill

ghe (tv) take, buy        

gheunk lay = cause to take

gheun ye = fetch [lit. take and come]

ghodd (iv) take place, occur

ghodd, -dda (m) / ghodday, -ya (m), [banana] bunch


ghoddi, -ddie (f) moment        

ghoddiall, -lli (f) watch

ghoddoy (tv) create, bring about

ghor, -ra (n) house, home

ghor kam’ = household work

ghora kodde = at home

ghora voch = go home.

ghorannem, -nnea (n) household        

ghorchim (n.pl) people from home

ghorcho (adj) one of the household

ghorkar, -ra (m) husband

ghorkarn, -ni (f) wife

ghorpatth, -ttha (m) homework

ghott (adj) strong, hard

ghôv, -va (m) husband        

ghudd, -dda (m) sty

ghunv (iv) 1. turn, 2. roam        

ghunvdday (tv) turn

ghunvoll, -vlli (f) dizziness        

gill (tv) swallow

gim’, -ma (m) summer

ginean, -na (n) knowledge, science        

giraik, -ka (n) customer/consumer        

girest (adj) rich

gironn, -nni (f) mill [mechanised]

git, -ta (n) hymn, song

gitar, -ra (n) guitar

Goycho Saib = St Francis Xavier

Goykar (adj) Goan

Goykar, -ra (m) Goan

gochch (adv) filled to capacity

gôdd (adj) sweet        

godd, -dda (n) jaggery

gôl (adj) round/spherical

gôl mar = score a goal

gom’ (tv) come to know

gôm’, -ma (n) gum, glue

gomgomit (adj) fragrant

gomtti, -mtte (f) neck

gonnit, -ta (n) mathematics

gonvddo, -ddea (m) mason        

gordi, -de (f) crowd, rush

goro (adj) fair

gorom’ (adj) warm, hot

goroy (tv) angle, fish [with hook]

goroz podd = become necessary

goroz, -rje (f) necessity, need

goroz, -za (m) roar        

gorzo- (iv) roar

gorum, -rva (n) head of cattle              

gorvam (n.pl) cattle        

gosgoxit (adv) [raining] heavily

got, -ti (f) [sorry] state, condition

govay, -ya (f) attestation, witness

govay, -ya (m) witness [person]

govoreddo, -ddea (m) bison

gozal, -li (f) topic, news, gossip        

gulab, -ba (m) rose

gulabi (adj) pink        

gulli, -llie (f) pill, tablet

gullo, -llea (m) ball

guruji, -ji (m) master, teacher        

hadd (tv) bring, fetch

hadd, -dda (n) bone

haddoy (tv) order to bring

haddun sodd = give a lift

haddunk lay = order to bring

hajir (adv,adj) present        

haka lagun = because of this

halchal, -li (f) motion

halim (adv) recently, of late

halincho (adj) recent        

haloy (tv) shake

handdi, -ddie (f) cooking vessel, pan

hanga (adv) here

hankam lagun = due to them

hans (iv) laugh

hansoy (tv) cause laughter

hantrunn, -nna (n) bedding

hanv (pn.1 sg) I         

har, -ra (m) garland

har, -ra (m) python

har, -ri (f) defeat

haroy (tv) defeat

harso, -xea (m) 1. mirror, 2. glass

harxeacho (adj) with mirror        

hat, -ta (m) hand        

hatim ghe = take up

hatkam’, -ma (n) craft work

hator, -tri (f) bamboo mat

he pavtt = on this occasion

he pavttim = this time

he porim = in this way

he te = these [pointed ones]

her (adj) other

her/heram (pn) others

Hindusthani son’git = N. Indian classical music

hinv, -va (n) cold

hinv khata = feel cold

hinvallo, -llea (m) winter

ho, hi, hem (dem.pn, adj) this

hogdday (tv) lose, waste

hokol, -kle (f) bride        

hokolnovro, -rea (m)  bridal couple        

holldicho pitto = turmeric powder

hollduvo (adj) yellow

hollod, -lldi (f) turmeric        

hôr, -ra (m) bridal party

horialli, -lle (f) lawn, type of grass        

hort, -rta (n) garden

horxim (adv) in other respects, usually

hot’ti, -t’tia (m) elephant

hottki (tv) greet, hail

hovo, -vea (m) climate

hozar (adj) thousand

hozaramni = by the thousand

humonn, -mnna (n) curry

hun (adj) hot, warm

hun lag = feel warm

hunvar, -ara (m) flood        

husko, -skea (m) concern, worry        

huxar (adj) smart, clever

ibadd (tv) waste

iedo (adj) of this size

ies, -sa (n) success        

igorz, -rje (f) church

ikra tarkek = on the eleventh

il'lem il'lem korun = little by little

il'lo (adj) a little

il'loso (adj) just a little

imaz, -maji (f) statue

Inglez, -ji(m,f) English

injner, -ra (m) engineer

injnerki, -ke (f) engineering        

intruz, -za (m) entrance to Lent, carnival

iskol, -la (n) school        

ispik, -ka (f) playing card

isvonn/visvonn, -nna (m) king fish

itihas, -sa (m) history

itihasik (adj) historical        

itlo (adj,adv) this much, so

itlo…ki = so much…that

iug, -ga (m) age, era

ixtt, -xtta (m) friend

ixttagot, -ti (f) friendship

ixttam (n.pl) [wo/men] friends

ixttinn, -nni (f) friend

jahir kor = announce, make public

jahirat/jairat, -ti (f) advertisement

Janer, -ra (m) January

jelad (adj) refrigerated        

jêv (iv,tv) eat [meal], dine, sup

jevonn, -vnna (n) meal, dinner/lunch

jêvpachem sal = dining hall        

jib, -be (f) tongue        

jito (adj) alive

jiv, -va (m) life

jiv aila = come alive

jivannem, -nnea (n) reptile

jivit, -ta (n) life

jivo (adj) live, green

jivont (adj) alive

jiye (iv) live, subsist

jugar khell = gamble

Julay, -ya (m) July

Jun, -na (m) June        

kabar (adj) finished, complete        

kabar kor = finish

kabar za = get over

kabay, -ye (f) long tunic [used formerly]

kadd (tv) take, pick, pluck,        

kaddun di = (lit. pick+give) pick out

kaddunk yenaslo = could not take        

kadern, -rna (m) notebook

kafi, -fie (f) coffee

kafie rong = coffee colour

kagod, -gda (m) paper, (n) letter

kai boro = splendid (lit. how nice)

kaido, -dea (m) law

kail, -li (f) frying pan

kaim (adj) some, a little

kaim (indef.pn) anything

kaim nozo = does not matter

kaim vell = some times

kaim zonnam = some people

kakullt, -ti (f) pity, mercy        

kal (adv) yesterday        

kalchi koddi = [condensed] curry from yesterday

kalling, kanllga (n) watermelon

kalliz, -llza (n) heart [originally liver]

kallo (adj) black

kallundor, -ra (n) flat, grey river fish

kalsanv, -va (n) trousers, pants

kalum, -lva (n) oyster        

kam’, -ma (n) work, job

kamar, -ra (m) blacksmith        

kamgar, -ra (m) worker        

kampinn, -pinni (f) hand bell        

kan, -na (m) ear

kanantlem, -lea (n) ear-ring        

kando, -dea (m) onion        

kankonn, -knna (n) bangle

kanni, -nnie (f) story

kansar, -ra (m) tinsmith        

kant (tv) grate [coconut]

kantar, -ra (n) song, hymn

kantoyl'lo (adj) carved

kantto, -ttea (m) thorn, quill, fish bone

kantto, -ttea (m) fork

kap (tv) cut

kap, -pa (n) slice

kapodd, -dda (n) homely saree

kapot, -ti (f) raincoat

karddam (n.pl) playing cards

karkhano, -nea (m) factory

karonn, -nna (n) reason

karyakrom’, -ma (m) programme

karyavoll, -lli (f) programme

katho, -thea (m) coconut fibre

kator (tv) cut        

kator, -tri (f) scissors

kaxtti, -tte (f) G-string like rustic wear

kazar, -ra (n) wedding, marriage

kazu, -zva (m) cashew        

kednaim (adv) occasionally, sometimes        

kednam (adv) when

kednam kednam (adv) sometimes

kedo (adj, adv) how big

kell, -lli (f) banana tree        

kellem, -llea (n) banana        

kendr, -dra (n) centre

kens mar = cut hair

kestanv, -va (n) quarrel, fight        

kha (tv) eat

khadd, -dda (n) beard        

khali (adj) empty

khann, -nna (n) food        

khanvchem pan = betel leaf        

kharem (n) dry or salt fish

kharvi (adj) fisherman’s, fishing

kharvi, -vea (m) fisherman

khatem, -tea (n) department

khatir (pp) for the sake of

khatri, -tre (f) certainty        

khatt, -tti (f) cot, bedstead        

khavpak (n) eatables, snacks

khaxeleponn, -nna (n) speciality

khaxelo (adj) special, peculiar to

khedde ganv = village        

khell (iv,tv) play        

khêll,-lla (m) game

khêllgoddi, -ddea (m) player

khellnnem, -llnnea (n) toy

khêll-tiatr, -tra (m) musical play

kherit (adj) special, distinct

khêtt, -tti (f) congestion, crowding

khichddi, -dde (f) hotchpotch

khobor ghe = enquire about        

khobor na = do not know        

khobor, -bre (f) knowledge, news, information

khobrel, -la (n) coconut oil        

khobrem, -brea (n) copra        

khobrepotr, -tra (n) newspaper

khoddop, -ddpa (n) rock        

khoim (adv) where

khoim (part.) it seems, they say

khoinchean (adv) from where        

kholli, -llie (f) ditch

khomis, -msa (n) shirt

khômp, -pi (f) hut

khônk (iv) cough

khont, -ti (f) sadness        

khontt, -tte (f) heel

khop (iv) sell, be sold

khor (adj) stiff, strict

khorch, -cha (m) expense

khorddo, -ea (m) list

khorem mhollear = in truth

khorem, -rea (n) spade, mattock

khorench (adv) truly        

khorkhor (iv) screech

khoro (adj) true, genuine

khotkhot (iv) boil (i.e. be very hot)

khottpott (f) eager efforts        

khub (adj) a lot, plenty        

khub (adv) much/very, plentiful

khubo, -bea (m) ankle

khubo, -bea (m) mussle

khunna, -nne (f) sign, symbol        

khuxal (adj) content, happy

khuxi (adj) happy        

khuxi, -xe (f) happiness, willingness

kijil, -la (n) quarrel, tiff

killonch, -che (f) scream        

kir, -ra (m) parrot, parakeet

kiriad, -da (n) servant girl        

kirkoll (adj) small, sundry

kirlo- (iv) sprout        

kiteak (adv) why        

kiteak (conj) because, for

kiteim (pn) something or the other        

kitem (pn,adj) what         

kitem tori = certainly something

kitleank (adv) at what time        

kitlo (adj) how much

kobi, -bi (m) cabbage        

kochkochit (adj) jingling, abundant

kochro (m) litter

kodde (pp) near, towards, by [the place]

koddi, -ddie (f) curry        

koddo, -ddea (m) granary        

koddok (adj) strong

koddoy (tv) melt

kodel, -la (n) /-li (f) chair

koiti, -te (f) sickle

koito, -tea (m) chopper, big sickle

kola, -le (f) art, skill

koll (tv) come to know

kollav, -va (m) delay        

kolloy (tv) inform

kollso, -llxea (m) water pitcher

kolo, -lea (m) jackal, fox

koloy kadd = tin a metal vessel

kombi, -bie (f) hen

komes kor = start, begin

komes za = commence, begin        

komoll, -lla (n) lotus

kompas petti (f) compass box

konn (pn) who

konnos, -nnsa (n) ear of corn

kon’so, -n’xea (m) corner

kont sarkem za = account balances

kont, -ta (n) account

kop, -pa (n) cup

kopam-piri = cups and saucers

kopdde (m.pl) clothes        

kopddo, -ddea (m) cloth

kopel, -la (n) chapel

kopit, -ta (m) captain

kopol, -la (n) forehead        

kor (tv) do, make, perform

kôr, -ra (m) colour

korar, -ra (m) solemn agreement

korezm, -ma (n) season of Lent

korl, -la (n) peel

kormonnuk, -ke (f) entertainment

korno, -nea (m) megaphone, trumpet

korpo- (iv) be burnt

korta = expletive just to amplify, e.g. To yeta korta.

korum naka = do not

kos (tv) plough

koslo (adj) what sort of

koso, koxi, koxem (adv) how

kosoll (iv) collapse, tumble down

kott, -tta (n) fort        

kotthinn (adj) hard, difficult, severe

kovddo, -ddea (m) turtle dove

kovllo, -llea (m) roll, bundle

koxei bhaxen = by any means        

koxeim korun = somehow, anyhow        

koxtt, -tta (m) pains, trouble

krim’, -ma (n) cream

krim’, -mi (f) crime

kritik, -ka (n) criticism, appreciation

kudd, -dda (n) room

kudd, -ddi (f) body

kudd, -ddi (f) room        

kuddko, -kea (m) piece

kudoll, -dlli (f) pickaxe

kujin, kuzna (n) kitchen        

kuler, -ra (n) spoon        

kullagor, -ra (n) plantation/grove

kuniad, -da (m) brother-in-law

kunkodd, -kdda (n) chicken/poultry

kunsvar, -ra (m) Christmas sweets

kurli, -le (f) crab        

kus, -kuxi (f) side

kustar (adj) difficult

kuttumb, -ba (n) family

kuxik (pp) by the side of        

kuxin (pp) by the side of        

laddu, -ddva (m) a round sweetmeat        

lag (iv) be stuck, begin

lagim (adv,pp) near, beside, close by

lagsar (adv,pp) nearby, (m) vicinity

lagun (pp) due to, because of        

lagxilo (adj) one from closeby, closely related one

laitt, -tti (f) electricity

laitti saman = electrical goods        

lak, -ke (f) sealing wax

lakhamni = by the lakh

lamb (adj) tall, long

lankudd, -kdda (n) wood

laranj,-ja (n) pomelo, grapefruit

las (iv,tv) burn        

lat (n) tin, can

lat-bhor = tinful

lay (tv) attach, apply, stick, fix        

lay (tv) feed [baby]

lay (tv) light [candle, lamp]

lay (tv) plant

legit (pp) even, also

legun (pp) even, also        

lens, -sa (m) kerchief

lhan (adj) small

lhanponn, -nna (n) childhood

lhan-so (adj) somewhat small        

lhar, -ra (n) wave

lhenv (tv) lick

lhonv, -ve (f) wool

lig, -ga (n) hairgrip, clip

lisanv, -va (n) lesson, lecture

logn (n) wedding

logn-potrika (f) wedding invite        

lok (iv) tilt, sway

lôk, -ka (m) people

lokonndd, -dda (n) iron

lokx, -xa (n) attention        

londdri, -ri (f) laundry

lonnchem, -nnchea (n) pickle

lonni, -nnia (n) butter

lugott, -gtta (n) cloth

lunvnni, -nne (f) harvest

luranv, -va (n) semolina

lutt, -tti (f) rush        

machul, -la (n) palanquin        

madd, -dda (m) coconut palm        

madheom’, -ma (n) medium

madheomik (adj) middle

madr, -ri (f) [religious] sister        

mag (tv) pray

magir (adv) afterwards        

magnnem, -nnea (n) prayer

magnni, -nne (f) demand        

magoy (tv) ask to bring

mahiti, -ti (f) information        

makn, -kna (n) machine        

makn, -kna (n) [sewing] machine

makodd, -kdda (m) monkey

mall (tv) wear [in the hair]

mall, -lle (f) garland, chaplet

mam’, -ma (m) [maternal] uncle        

mamebhav, -va (m) maternal uncle's son

mami, -mie (f) maternal ucle’s wife

Mammi, Mammi (f) Mummy

man, -na (m) honour

man, -ni (f) bamboo

mandd (tv) arrange, set up, organise

manddi, -ddie (f) lap

manddo, -ddea (m) type of Goan song/ dance

map, -pa (n) measure

mar (tv) kill, strike

mar, -ra (m) stroke

mar bos = be destroyed        

marog, -rga (m) road, street

marfim, -fi (m) ivory

Mars, -sa (m) March

mas, -sa (n) meat        

mas-bis = bis is echoic particle

maslli, -slle (f) fish

mat (adv) only, just        

mathem, -thea (n) head

mati, -tie (f) soil, mud

matiecho (adj) earthen        

matso (adj) a little

matso (adv) a little, just, somewhat        

mattolli, -lle (f) small pavilion

mattov, -ttva (m) pandal, pavilion

mavxebhoinn,-nni (f) maternal cousin

mavxi, -xe (f) [maternal] aunt

May, -ya (m) [month of] May        

mazor, -zra (n) cat

mekllo (adj) open, free

mell (iv) find, get, be available        

mell (iv) meet, come across        

menn, -nna (n) wax

meren (pp) till, up to

merum, -va (n) deer

mest, -sta (m) 1. cook, 2. carpenter

mestri, -ri (m) sacristan-cum- teacher

mey, -ya (m) sock, stocking

mêz (tv) count

mez, -za (n) table

mez mandd = set the table

mhal gaddi ,-ie (f) goods truck/train

mhalo, -lea (m) barber        

mharog (adj) costly

mhatari, -re (f) old woman        

mhataro (adj) old, aged

mhataro, -rea (m) old man

mhoino, -nea (m) month

mhonn (conj) because, that        

mhonnosor (pp) till

mhonntana (conj) since, because

mhor mar = stamp

mhôr, -ri (f) seal

mhotv, -va (n) importance

mhozo (pn.poss) my        

mhunnosor (adv) till        

Milagr = O.Lady of Miracles

milagr, -ri (f) miracle

min, -na (n) mine, ore

minut, -ta (n) minute        

mirmirit (adj) minty

mirsang, -ge (f) chilli        

mirvel, -li (f) pepper creeper/plant

Mis, -sa (n) holy Mass        

mitt, -tta (n) salt

mitt lay = salt [fish and the like]

mittak lay = salt [fish]        

mitt-mirsang = masala for fish

mixin, -na (n) machine

mochi, -chia (m) cobbler

mocho, -chea (m) shoe

môd, -di (f) style, fashion

modd (iv) be broken

môdd (tv) break

môdd (tv) spend [money]

môdd, -ddi (f) change [money]

moddvoll, -lla (m) washerman

modem (adv) in the middle

modem (pp) among, between

modlo (adj) one in the middle

modon, -ni (f) godmother

môg (m) love

mogrim, abolim, xinvtim = names of Goan flowers

moidan, -na (n) field, playground        

môk (tv) throw/shoot off

mokhor, -ra (n) decorated stand

mol, -la (n) price

môl, -li (f) fish preserve        

mollnni, -nne (f) threshing of paddy        

mon, -na (n) mind

mon’xam (n.pl) people, staff, workers

mon’zat, -ti (f) animal

monant dhor = keep in mind

Mongllar, -ra (m) Tuesday

monis, -mon’xa (m) a human, man

monni, -nnia (m) bead

mor, me- (iv) die

môr, -ra (m) peacock

mori, -rie (f) shark        

moriad, -di (f) decency, good name        

moronn, -rnna (n) death, funeral

mosala dosa = pancake with masala

mot, -ta (n) opinion, vote

motto (adj) fat, stout, big

mottor gaddi = motor car        

mottvo (adj) short

moza mar = enjoy oneself        

moza, -moje (f) fun, merriment

mu = interrogative particle

mud’dom’ (adv) on purpose        

mudd’ddi (tv) squeeze

mudd’ddoxi, -xe (f) lady fish

mudi, -die (f) ring/wedding band

muhurt, -ta (m) auspicious time

mukhar (adv) ahead, further

mukhar (pp) in front of, before        

mukhel (adj) main, chief

mulakhot, -ti (f) interview

mull (adj) original

mull, -lla (n) root, base

mulla / mullak (pp) below, under        

mullavo (adj) elementary, basic

mullo, -llea (m) radish

murt, -ti (f) image, effigy

mutt, -tti (f) fist        

mutt-bhor (adj) fistful        

muy, -ye (f) ant        

na baye = no, my dear

na zalear = if not, otherwise

nach (iv) dance, perform in zagor etc

nach, -a (m) dance

nachoy (tv) make sb. dance

nag, -ga (m) cobra

nak, -ka (n) nose        

naka (negative particle) do not [want]

naka aslolem = unwanted thing

naka puro = thoroughly fed up, tired        

naka-puro za = had it enough

nall, -lli (f) cannon        

nanv, -va (n) name

narl, -la (m) coconut

nasto, -stea (m) breakfast

Natalam (n.pl) Christmas        

nattok, -ka (n) play, drama

nayok, -yoka (m) leader

nazuk (adj) delicate

neketr, -ra (n) star, horoscope        

nem’ (tv) appoint        

nem’, -ma (m) rule

nemallem, -llea (n) periodical

nevri, -re (f) stuffed pastry

nha (iv) bathe        

nhanni, -nnie (f) bathing room

nhes (iv) dress oneself        

nhes (tv) wear, clothe oneself with

nhoi (part.) no, not                 

nhoi? = isn't it

nhõy, -ye (f) river

nib, -ba (n) excuse

nibam sang = give excuses

nibond, -da (m) essay        

nid (iv) sleep, lie down        

nid, -de (f) sleep        

niday (tv) make sb. lie down        

nidpachem kudd = bedroom        

nikto (adv, adj) just        

nillo (adj) blue

nimannem (adv) finally        

nimanno/nimnno (adj) last

nimit, -mta (n) excuse,

nimtan (pp) on account of

niraxrit (adj) shelterless

nirponnos, -nnsa (m) breadfruit        

nisteak kitem = what is the appetiser with rice        

nistem, -stea (n) fish (also maslli, -lle (f) fish)

nitt (adj, adv) straight

noddnni, -nne (f) weeds                                  

nodor, -dre (f) view, sight

nog, -ga (m) item

noitik (adj) moral        

nokoll (iv) be ignorant of

nollo, -llea (m) [roof] tile        

nomoskar, -ra (m) greetings        

non’di, -di (m) bull as Shiva's vehicle

nopoit (adj) destroyed, disappeared

Norkasur, -ra (m) demon from netherworld

notti, -ttie (f) actress

Novembr, -ra (m) November

noveo kaddloleo = newly released

novo (adj) new        

novro, -rea (m) groom

novsornni, -nne (f) renewal        

noxib, -ba (n) luck

noxibvont (adj) lucky

oddecho (adj) artificial        

oddez (adj) two and a half, 2.30        

oddezank = at 2.30 o'clock        

odik (adv) more

ojap, -pa (n) surprise        

okher, -re (f) end        

ollnni (adj) with insufficient salt

ollsando, -dea (m) string bean

onos, -nsa (n) pineapple

onnukendr, -ra (n) atomic reactor

onvdum (adv) this year

opghat, -ta (m) accident        

ord, -da (n) half

ordo (adj) half        

ordo jiv = half dead

organv, -va (m) organ

oso (adv) thus, in this way        

ostont, -te (f) West [lit. the setting]

Otubr, -ra (m) October

pachvo (adj) green        

pachvochar = very green

padd poddlolo = accursed

paddo, -ddea (m) bull        

paddo, -ddea (m) plucking of coconuts        

padri, -ri (m) [Catholic] priest

pag (tv) fish with net

pailott, -tta (m) motorbyker on hire

palo, -lea (m) leaves        

palsonn, -nni (f) slope        

pamplett, -tta (n) pomfret        

pangrunn, -nna (n) coverlet

pangur (tv,iv) cover, be covered

panttem, -ttea (n) large round basket

panv, -va (m) bread

panvddo, -ddea (m) step        

panvlli, -lle (f) drippings from l/eaves

panzro, -rea (m) cage

papelin, -na (n) card paper

papodd, -pddea (m) spicy crisp        

para, -ra (m) dry fish preserve

paromporik (adj) traditional        

parvo, -vea (m) pigeon

parxel, -la (n) parcel

Paskam (n.pl) Easter

pasun (pp) for, on behalf of

patoll (adj) thin

patt, -tti (f) back        

patti, -ttie (f) slate

pattim (adv) back, at the back

pattim (pp) behind

pattlean (adv) at the back, behind        

pattlean (pp) behind

pattoy (tv) send

pav (adj) a quarter        

pav (iv) arrive, reach

pavlear puro = would that we reach        

pavnne so = a quarter to six

pavonasloleak = as if not enough

pavoy (tv) send, cause to reach

pavs poddlo = it rained

pavs poddta = it rains

pavs, -vsa (m) rain

pavsallo, -llea (m) rainy season        

pavtasor = till [I] reach

pavti, -te (f) receipt

pavtt, -tti (f) occasion         

paxann, -nna (n) granite

paxtt (adj) worse        

pãy, -ya (m) foot, leg

Pay, Pay (m)  Daddy, father

pãyzonn, -nna (n) anklet

pelean (adv,pp) beyond

penkott, -ktta (n) waist        

pepor, -ra (m) newspaper        

per, -ra (n) guava        

pêr, -ri (f) guava tree        

pett, -tte (f) box

pettis, -sa (n) patty

petto, -ttea (m) [male] dog, pup         

pettoy (tv) light

pettul, -la (n) chest, small box

pêxtt, -tta (m) paste

pez, -peje (f) conjee

pêz, -za (m) weight                

pi (tv) drink

pidd’dduk, -ke (f) necklace of black beads        

pijam’, -ma (n) pyjamas

pik (iv) ripen

pik, -ka (n) crop, harvest

piko (adj) ripe

pil, -la (n) young one

pillgi, -ge (f) generation

pintar (tv) paint

pinz (iv,tv) be torn, tear

pinzor, -zre (f) vermilion powder

pirachit, -ta (n) penance

piray, -ye (f) age

pirluk, -ke (f) whistle

pirpir, -ri (f) drizzle        

piso (adj) mad

piso, -xea (m) mad man

pitto, -ttea (m) powder

pivpachem, -chea (n) drinks

pixem, -xea (n) craze, madness

pixvi, -ve (f) bag        

piye (tv) drink        

podd = to fall

podd'do, -dea (m) screen

poddun voch = be bothered about

poder, -ra (m) baker        

podon, -ni (m) godfather

poikim (pp) among

poileant poilim = first of all

poilim (adv) first, in the first place

poilim (pp) before

poilo (adj) first

poinn, -nna (n) travel, journey

poir (adv) day before yesterday

pois (adv) far

poiso, -xea (m) smallest coin, a lot of money

poixe, poixeam (m.pl) money

poiz, -je (f) bet

polle (tv) look        

pollet astam = I keep watching

polleum-ia = let us see

polli, -llie, lliam (f) edible preparations, a type of brown bread

pollo, -llea (m) pancake

poltoddi (adv,pp) across, beyond

ponda (adv) below, beneath        

ponda (pp) under, beneath

pondra (adj) fifteen        

pongodd, -gdda (m) team, group

pon'nas (adj) fifty        

ponnos, -nnsa (m) jackfruit, jacktree

ponvxe (iv) [fish] go bad

popay, -ye (f) papaya

porbim (n.pl) greetings, congratu-lations

pordes, -sa (m) foreign country

porian (pp) even, till

poriavoronn, -nna (n) atmosphere

porikxa, -xe (f) test, examination        

poriotton, -na (n) tourism

porki (adj) strange, foreign        

pormannem (pp) according to        

pormoll, -lla (m) smell, aroma

porno (adj) old

porob, -rbe (f) festival

poros (pp) [more] than

porsum, -rsa (n) kitchen garden

portean (adv) again

portun (adv) again

pôrum (adv) last year

porvam (adv) day after tomorrow        

posorkar, -ra (m) shopkeeper

posro, -rea (m) shop, store, grocery

pot’to, -tea (m) address, trace/sign

potem, -tea (n) bag [somewhat large]        

poti, -ti (m) husband

pôti, -tie (f) bag

potr, -ra (n) = chitt,-tti (f) letter

potr, -ra (n) newspaper

pott, -tta (n) stomach, belly

pôttli, -ttle (f) bundle, package

pott'tto, -ttea (m) band        

pras, -sa (m) bus stand

prat, -ta (m) dish

presanv, -va (n) [blood] pressure

prodorxon, -na (n) exhibition

produxonn, -nna (n) pollution        

progoti, -te (f) progress

proves, -sa (m) admission        

proxikxonn, -nna (n) training        

pul, -la (m) bridge        

pulpit/pulput, -ta (m) pulpit

punn (conj) but        

punzay (tv) gather/store

purann, -nna (n) mythological writing

puro (adv) enough, sufficient

puro za = be tired

pursanv, -va (n) procession        

purto (pp) limited to

purument, -ta (m) provisions        

purvoz, -za (m) ancestor

pustok, -ka (n) book

put, -ta (m) son

puttvo-  (iv) be agreeable to

puza, -puje (f) puja, worship        

rag ye = get angry

rag, -ga (m) anger

ragar za = be angry

rajmarog, -rga (m) highway        

rajya, -ya (n) state

rakes, -sa (m) giant        

rakhi, -khi  (f) rokxa bondhon feast

ramponn, -pnni (f) long dragnet

ran, -na (n) forest

ran-dukor, -kra (m) wild boar

rand (tv) cook        

randop, -dpa (n) cooking

randpi, -pea (m) cook

randunk yeta = know to cook

rang, -ge (f) line

rat, -ti (f) night

rav (iv) stay, stop, wait for        

razanv, -va (n) [good] reason        

razvaddo, -ddea (m) palace

rebek, -ka (n) violin

reddvo, -vea (m) radio

rekad, -da (m) regards        

relgaddi, -ddie (f) railway train        

relmarog, -rga (m) railway

rend, -da (n) lace

rend, -da (n) rent

render, -ra (m) toddy tapper        

resper, -ra (n) nuptials

rexead, -da (n) masala stuffed fish fry

ribin, -na (n) ribbon

rig (iv) enter

rinn, -nna (n) debt, loan        

rivaz, -vaji, -vaza (f,m) custom

roja, -je (f) leave

rokddo (adv) at once, immediately

rompo, -pea (m) seedling        

rong lay = put/apply colour on

rong, -ga (m) colour        

rongin (adj) colourful

rongit (adj) colourful

rongpetti, -tte (f) watercolour box

rôp, -pa (m) linen, clothes

rôs, -sa (m) juice

rosto, -tea (m) road        

rôy (tv) plant

roz, -za (n) marigold

ruchik (adj) tasty        

ruchin kha = savour

ruchona = no appetite         

ruk, -ka (m) tree

ruka-rukacher = on each tree

runday, -ye (f) breadth

rup, -pa (n) appearance        

rupem, -pea (n) silver

rutu, -tu (m) season

sabu, -bva (m) soap        

sadde (adj) a half past

saddi, -ddie (f) saree

saddo, xalu = rich wedding sarees

sadhon, -na (n) means, medium

sado (adj) ordinary, simple, plain

saf (adj) clean

sagor, -ra (m) ocean

sahitya, -ya (n) literature        

sahitya  prokar = literary genre

sailo, -lea (m) teak tree        

sakxi, -xe (f) witness

sal, -la (n) hall

sal, -li (f) peel

sali mar = throw the peels at

sall, -lli (f) porcupine

sallori, -re (f) mina

salvar (adj) saved        

samajik (adj) social        

saman, -na (n) goods

samball (tv) look after

samball, -lla (m) preservation

sambor,-ra (n) antelope

samkar (adv,pp) ahead, in front of, before

samko (adj) altogether

sandon, -san'na (n) [toddy raised] rice edible

sang (tv) tell        

sang, -ge (f) bean, pod of legume

sangat, -ta (m) company

sangat di = accompany        

sangata (adv) together

sangata (pp) with, together with        

sangott, -gtta (n) catfish

sangunk zay = have to tell

sankov, -kva (m) bridge

sanspi (tv) stroke, feel

sant-bhokt = saints and blessed

sarem, -rea (n) fertiliser

sarko (adj,adv) proper, properly

sarovn ghe = get oneself smeared

saroy (tv) smear, apply

sat (adj) seven        

satallem, -llea (n) week        

satt, -tta (n) jackfruit/mango preserve        

savem udok = fresh water

savud, -di (f) health         

savud mag = raise the toast        

Saxtt, -i (f) Salcette taluk        

say, -ye (f) skirt

saibinn, -nni (f) madam

Saibinn Maim = Our Lady, Mary        

sed, -da (n) silk

servej, -ji (f) beer

Setembr, -bra (m) September        

seva, -ve (f) service

sigar, -ra (f) cigarette

sigar odd = smoke a cigarette

sinema, -ma (m) cinema, movie

sirvis, -vixe (f) job, service

sob (iv) suit, befit

sobay, -ye (f) beauty

sobechem zhadd = decorative plant        

sobit (adj) beautiful, pretty        

sobitay, -ye (f) prettiness

sobitkay, -ye (f) beauty

sôd (tv) 1. seek, attempt, 2. search, look for        

sôd, -da (m) research, search, discovery

sodafuli, -li (f) periwinkle

sodam (adv) daily, every day, always

sodanche bhaxen = as usual        

sodancho (adj) usual, customary        

sôdd (tv) leave aside, let go, allow

sod'deak = for the time being

sôddoy (tv) loosen, open out

sodro, -rea (m) inner shirt

sodun kadd = find out, invent

sofari, -ri (f) type of Indian suit

soglle kodde = everywhere

sogllo (adj) the whole of, entire

soimb, -ba (n) nature

soiro, -rea (m) relative

sokall, -lli (f) morning        

sokoil (adv,pp) down, below        

sôl (tv) peel

sol, -la (n) salted mango or kokum

solfam (n.pl) solfeggio

solvar-komiz, kurta-pijama = Indian suits of clothes

somadhan, -na (n) satisfaction, comfort

Somar, -ra (m) Monday        

somaz, -za (m) society

som’bond, -da (m) contact, relation

som’bond zal’lo = related to        

somjikay, -ye (f) understanding

somp (iv) get over

sompeponn, -nna (n) facility

sompeponnim (adv) easily, with ease

sompo (adj) easy, simple

som’pork, -ka (m) communication

sompoy (tv) complete, finish

somzay (tv) make sb. understand

somzo (tv) suppose, understand

somzonni, -nne (f) explanation

somzun ghe = come to grasp        

Son’var, -ra (m) Saturday        

sonar, -ra (m) goldsmith

son’d, -di (f) opportunity        

sondd, dda (n) snout, [animal] face

sôndd, -dde (f) snout, elephant trunk

son’dorb sahitya = reference work        

songit, -ta (n) music

sonso, -xea (m) rabbit        

sontos, -sa (m) joy

sontr, -tra (n) tangerine, orange

sonvoy, -ye (f) habit

sonvsar, -ra (m) world

sonvsari (adj) worldly

sonvskrutay, -ye (f) culture

sonvstha, -the (f) institution        

sopo, -pea (m) built-in bench

soponn, -nna (n) dream

-sor (adv) till, by the time

sor (iv) move, enter        

sorg, -ga (m) heaven, paradise

sori, -rie (f) wire        

sorkar, -ra (m) government

sorkari (adj) government

soro, -rea (m) wine, liquor        

soroll (adv) straight, direct        

sorospot, -ti (f) heritage, literature

sort, -ti (f) competition

sôs (tv) suffer        

sot, -ta (n) truth

sotri, -tre (f) umbrella

sovari, -re (f) horse ride, destination        

sovai (adj) cheap

sovai nov = a quarter past nine        

sovlot, -ti (f) facility, convenience, ease        

sovo, -vea (m) raised seat for newly weds

soy, -ye (f) signature

sôy, -ye (f), = chun, -na (n) [grated] coconut

sozoy (tv) decorate

sthan, -na (n) position, place

suchovnni, -nne (f) suggestion

sudar (tv) improve

sudarop (n) progress

sud'da (pp) even

sudor (iv) improve

sukhi (adj) happy, satisfied

suknnem, -nnea (n) bird

sukoy (tv) dry, put to dry

Sukrar, -ra (m) Friday        

sukti, -kte (f) low tide        

sullo-dant, -ta (m) tusk

suman, -na (m) week

sumar (adv) about, approximately

sun, -ne (f) daughter-in-law

sungott, -gtta (n) prawn, shrimp        

sunnea petto = [dog] pup

sunnem, -nnea (n) dog        

supurlo (adj) small little

sur, -re (f) toddy from the palm        

suri, -rie (f) knife

suru kor (tv) begin, start        

suru za (iv) begin, commence

sut, -ta (n) thread

sutam punov = Shravan full moon

sutt (iv) get over, be free        

sutt (iv) leave, escape

suttavo (adj) solved

sutti kor = clean [fish or meat]

sutti, -ttie (f) vacation, holiday

suttka, -ke (f) liberation

suvadik (adj) tasty, savoury

suvallo, -llea (m) celebration        

suvat, -ti (f) place, space, spot        

suvi, -vie (f) needle

suxeg, -ga (m) relaxation, rest

suxegad (adv,adj) at ease, relaxed        

suyog, -ga (m) chance, opportunity

tacho, tachi, tachem (pn.poss) his

taka sodd = let him alone, forget about him        

tallo, -llea (m) voice        

tallio pett = clap hands

tambddo (adj) red        

tambem, -bea (n) copper        

tambonn, -nna (n) copperware

tan lag = be thirsty

tandull, -dlla (m) rice        

tankam lagon = because of them

tann, -nna (m) tension

tantim, -tea (n) egg        

tantrik (adj) technical

tantum (adv) in it

tar, -ri (f) ferry, ferryboat (country craft)

tarik, -rke (f) date        

tarlo, -rlea (m) sardine        

tarum, -rva (n) boat, vessel of any type

tavern, -rna (n) tavern        

tazo (adj) fresh

te bhair = besides        

te xivai = besides, moreover         

tednam (adv) then, when

tednanch (adv) only then        

tel, -la (n) oil        

tem (pn.n.3 sg) it        

têmp, -pa (m) time, season

termametr, -tra (m) thermometer        

terras, -sa (m) terrace

ters kor = recite the rosary        

thamboy (tv) stop

tharay (tv) decide

tharear ghal = set right

thavn/than (pp) from        

thoddo (adj) a little, a few, some

thoim (adv) there        

thoim hanga = here and there        

thok (iv) tire, fatigue

thondd (adj) cold, cool

thondd kha = feel cold

thonddi, -dde (f) cold

thonddsannin (adv) coolly

ti (pn.f.3 sg) she        

tiatr, -tra (m) Goan stage performance

tikett, -tti (f) postal stamp, ticket

tikett kadd = buy a ticket

tiki, -ke (f) cinnamon

tin (adj) three        

tin pavtti = three times

tint, -ta (n) ink                

tintto, -ttea (m) where 3 roads meet, a small village market

tis (adj) thirty        

tisri, -re (f) clam, striated mussel        

title bhitor = in the mean time

titlo (adj) so much as        

tiv, -va (m) uncle        

to (pn.m.3 sg) he        

toddop-bazu = sarong and blouse

toyar (adj,adv) ready

toyar za = be prepared        

toyari, -re (f) preparation

tokli, -kle (f) head        

tokos ghe = make efforts

tollem, -llea (n) lake, pool, pond

tomatt, -tta (n) tomato

tom’bu, -bu (m) pavilion, tent

tondd, -dda (n) mouth, face

tonddi (adj) oral

tonn, -nna (n) grass

topas (tv) examine

topi, -pie (f) cap

tor (conj) so, then

tor, -ra (n) tender mango        

tora, -re (f) type, kind

toranj, -ja (n) pomelo, grapefruit        

torbez (adj) skilled, expert        

tore torecho = a variety of        

toripunn (conj) even then

tornattim (n.pl) the youth

tornatto, -ttea (m) youth, young men

torvo, -vea (m) paddy seedlings for transplanting

toslo (adj) that type

tost, -ta (n) basin        

tovxem, -xa (n) cucumber        

toxem (adv) that way

toxem zalear = in that case

toxench (adv) similarly

tras (m) difficulty, trouble

tras ghe = take the trouble, take pains

tras podd = become difficult

tras zatat = be troubled

ttekxi, -xe (f) taxi

ttelegraf, -(n) telegraph

tthoroy (tv) decide

ttika, -ke (f) criticism, appreciation

tum (pn.2 sg) you

tumger (locative) at your house        

turo, -rea (m) bouquet         

tuvalo, -lea (m) towel

uball, -lla (m) summer, hot season        

ubar (tv) lift

ubgonn, -nni (f) boredom

ubo (adj) standing up, erect

uboy (tv) make fly, raise

ud’deg,-ga (m) industry, occupation        

uddoy (tv) throw

udent,-te (f) East [lit. the rising]        

udok, -dka (n) water        

ugddas kadd = recall, remember

ugddas ye = remember

ugodd (tv) open        

ugto (adj) open

ukol (tv) raise

ulo mar = call on

uloy (iv, tv) talk, speak

uloyt rav = keep talking

umboll (tv) wash [clothes]

umed, -di (f) enthusiasm

umkoll/humkoll (iv) hang        

umkollay (tv) hang up

unch (adj) high, tall        

unchlo (adj) higher

unddo, -ddea (m) bread        

unnem (adv) less

unnem mhonnlear = at the least

unno (adj) less, insufficient

untt, -tta (n) camel

upas,-sa (m) fast

upaxim podd = starve        

upaxim rav = go hungry

upay, -ya (m) solution, means, plan

upkar (iv) be of help, be useful

upkar, -ra (m) favour

upkarak podd = come in handy

uprant (adv) afterwards, later

uprant (pp) after, afterwards        

ur (iv) remain        

urba, -be (f) burning desire        

urlolem surlolem = remnants        

urlolem sogllem = all the rest        

urlolo (adj) remaining

us, -sa (m) sugarcane

usoll (iv) be ejected, thrown off        

usti (tv) dig up

usvas, -sa (m) breath

utor (tv) cross

utpadon, -na (n) yield/produce        

utt (iv) rise, wake up

ut'tor (adj) north

ut'tor, -re (f) North        

uttoy (tv) rouse, wake someone up

uxea poti = pillowcase        

uxem, -xea (n) pillow

uxnnem ghe = borrow        

uzray (tv) clean [fish]

uzvadd, -dda (m) light        

uzvo (adj) right        

va (conj) or

vach (tv) read        

vad, -da (m) argument

vadd (iv) grow, increase

vadd (tv) serve [meal]        

vaddoy (tv) enlarge, increase

vadya, -ya (n) musical instrument

vafor, -ra (m) motor launch

vag (iv) behave

vag, -ga (m) tiger, leopard

vagi, - ie (f) tiger prawn

vaitt (adj) bad, foul

vaitt na = not bad

vaitt, -tta (n) evil        

val, -li (f) creeper, string bean

vall (tv) strain [rice]

vangdda (pp) with, together with, in the company of

vangddi, -ddea (m) companion        

vankddo (adj) bent, crooked

vanor, -ra (m) ape

vantt (tv) distribute         

vantte ghal = sort out, distribute

vantto ghe = take part                 

vantto, -ttea (m) part, share

vapor (tv) use

vapor, -ra (m) use

var, -ra (m) day of the week

varand, -da (m) veranda

varem, -rea (n) breeze, wind

vaspus, -xe (f) enquiry

vasrum, -sra (n) calf        

vat, -ti (f) candle        

vatt (tv) grind [into a paste]

vatt polle = look forward to

vatt rak = wait for        

vatt, -tte (f) way, path        

vatthar, -ra (m) region, surrounding        

vavr, -ra (m) labour, job, work

vay, -ye (f) gas [in Indian medicine]

vaz (iv) strike        

vaz, -za (m) boredom

vaz, -za (m) flowerpot

vazoy (tv) play [music]

vazoy (tv) sound, play [instrument]

vedi, -di (f) altar

veg, -ga (m) speed        

vegim (adv) early, quickly         

vegllo (adj) different, separate

velchi, -che (f) cardamom

vell astana = when there is time

vell sar = spend time

vell zata = getting late

vell, -lla (m) time

vêll, -lle (f) beach        

vellar pav = reach in time        

veng mar = embrace        

veng, -ge (f) embrace

venttallo, -llea (m) coil

vepar,-ra (m) business, trade.


vepar,-ra (m) goods bought

vepari (adj) commercial

vepari, -rea (m) merchant

verli, -le (f) small, white sea fish

vev, -va (m) veil

vhall, -lla (m) stream

vhann, -nne (f) slipper

vhodd (adj) big, large

vhoddam (n.pl) grown ups        

vhoddem, -ddea (n) boat, canoe

vhoddlo (adj) 1. large, big, 2. older, elder

vhor, vhe- (tv) take (along), carry, fetch

vhorun pay = take sb. along

vhoy (adv) yes        

vibhag, -ga (m) section        

vichar (tv) ask, enquire, request

vichar, -ra (m) thought, opinion

vichitr (adj) strange, wonderful

vidyapitth, -ttha (n) university

vidhi, -dhi (m) rite, ceremony         

vigar, -ra (m) parish priest

vik (tv) sell

vik, -ka (n) poison        

vikas, -sa (m) development

viktem ghe = buy

viman, -na (n) airoplane        

vinagr, -gri (f) vinegar        

vinch (tv) choose, pick

vinch (tv) sift, select

vinn (tv) weave, plait

vinnem (pp) without, unless

vinod, -da (m) humour        

visor (tv) forget        

visov, -va (m) rest

vistid, -da (m) dress

vis-tispott = twenty or thirty times        

visvas, -sa (m) trust

visvaxi (adj) faithful

visvonn, -nna (m) king fish

vixim (pp) about, regarding        

vixoy, -ya (m) topic, subject

viz, -je (f) electricity

vo (conj) or        

voch, ve-, ge- (iv) go          

vochum-ia = let us go

vochunk zata = can go

vodd (tv) pull        

vodd, -dda (m) banyan tree

voddo, -ddea (m) puri, Indian bread        

vodoll (adv) then, a little while ago        

vogddav (iv) get wasted        

vogdday (tv) waste

vogot, -gta (m) delay, time                

voilean (adv) from above

voir (adv) above

voir (pp) above, on top of

voir kadd = help come up        

vôl, -li (f) old fashioned clothing like a white burkha

vollar, -ra (m) bangle seller

vollem, -llea (n) one half of coconut

volleri, -re (f) list

vollok, -llki (f) acquaintance

volter, -ra (n) rocking chair        

vomp (tv) sow

vonnot, -nnti (f) wall

vor, -ra (n) hour

vorgonni, -nne (f) subscription

vorim (pp) like

vorov, -rve (m) cereal, grain        

vors, -sa (n) year        

vorsachea vorsa = every year

vorsuki (adj) annual

vos (iv) dwell, abide

vosro, -srea (m) hallway

vost, -tu (f) thing, item

vostu (f.pl) goods        

vot, -ta (n) sunlight        

votin (pp) on behalf of        

votthar, -ra (m) surrounding

Xabas! (int) wonderful!

xakutti, -tte (f) a very spicy curry

xalla, -lle (f) school

xamaim, -maim (f) grandmother

xant (adj) peaceful, quiet

xanti, -ti (f) peace

xar, -ra (n) city

xempddi, -dde (f) tail

xênn (iv) get lost        

xenn, -nna (n) cowdung

xênn, -nni 1.(f) cowdung cake

xênn,-nni 2,(f) drop [of rain]

xenvtem, -tea (n) chrysanthemum

xermanv, -va (m) sermon

xet, -ta (n) field

xetkar (adj) farming, of a farmer

xetkar, -ra (m) farmer

xevtto, -ttea (m) mullet        

xezar, -ra (m) neighbourhood

xezara (pp) in the proximity of        

xezari, -rea (m) neighbour

xida (adv) directly                

xigmo, -gmea (m) local Hindu spring festival

xikop, -kpa (n) education

xikoy (tv) teach

xikpi, -pea (m) student        

xim’, -me (f) boundary, limit        

ximiter, -ri (f) cemetery

ximp (tv) water, irrigate

ximpi, -pie (f) seashell

xind (tv) cut [vegetables, etc]

xing, -ga (n) horn        

xinv (tv) stitch

xinv, -va (m) lion

xir, -re (f) nerve, blood vessel

xir, -re (f) slice

xirko (iv) be stuck

xirxir (iv) drizzle

xit, -ta (n) [cooked] rice

xivay (pp) without, unless

xivodd, -dda (m) lobster

xivrak (adj) vegetarian        

xixem lankudd = rose wood

xiz (iv) be cooked [by boiling]

xizoy (tv) boil

xok (iv) be able, can

ye, ai- (iv) come

yervam (adv) 2 days after tomorrow

yevji (tv) plan

yevkar, -ra (m) welcome        

yevkar di = welcome

yevzonn, -e (f) plan, project        

za (iv) be, become

zago, -gea (m) place

zagor, -ra (m) type of folk play        

zait = all right

zait ailem = about to be finished

zaito (adj) plenty of

zalear (adv) if        

zalli, -llie (f) netting

zambllam, kanrttam, churnnam, charam, bhennsam = berries

zamboll, -blla (n) blue-black berry

zanntte nenntte = young and old

zannttelo (adj) elderly

zannttelo, -lea (m) elderly person

zanntto (adj) elderly                                         

zannvay, -ye (f) wisdom

zanv … zanv = whether it be … or

zanv asum = let it be

zanv…zanv = whether…or         

zanvchelo = which will become

zanvk lag = begin to be

zanvk zay = must be

zanvoy, -vya (m) son-in-law        

zata zalear = if possible

zavn gela = has become

zay (aux) should, want to        

zay (tv) want, require, desire

zay podd = be needed, become necessary

zhadd, -dda (n) plant, tree        

zhogddem, -ddea (n) quarrel

zhompallo, -llea (m) swing        

zhompoy, -ye (f) swing, swoop

zodd (adj) heavy

zôdd, -ddi (f) gain, earnings

zoddi, -ie (f) pair

zoit vhor = conquer

zoit, -ta (n) victory        

zôk (tv) weigh

zollov, -llva (m) firewood        

zolm, -ma (m) birth

zolma dis = birthday

zolmo- (iv) be born        

zom’ (iv) assemble, collect

zomat, -ti (f) meeting

zomin, -ni (f) land        

zomkhonn, -nna (n) mat, carpet

zonn, -nna (m) person        

zor (conj) if

zor, -ri (f) brocade

zôr, -ra (m) fever

zorui (conj) even though        

zotem, -tea (n) pair of slippers        

zull (iv) agree with